Disable Authenticate POP before SMTP

This is the default behavior of email server settings on WHM/Cpanel servers and probably there is no impact on customers those who are using outlook or other MUA agent to check mail in most of the time. But you can not send email when you try to use the smtp account in programs created on such WHM/Cpanel host.

What does this mean ?

It tells that, WHM/Cpanel is used to enable email relay once the IP has been authenticate over the POP. ie if a use has able to check the email from an office, the current public IP belongs to that office IP has been added to email white list and any one from that network can be send email using this smtp server without any authentication for 30 minutes.
You just need anyone to authenticate POP3 for this using any MUA or Outlook or Thunderbird those can do this easily.

When you configure this smtp account on any thirdparty application like Redmine,helpdesk softwares, you will get rejected since you are trying to establish smtp authentication initially. So you can’t use this email accounts on it.


Just disable the feature “Authenticate POP before SMTP” in WHM/Cpanel server by simply executing the following command.

Enabling SMTP authentication

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/tailwatchd --enable=Cpanel::TailWatch::Antirelayd

That’s it..

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